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Πράσινο Subject: Tree Blocking AEC Wires at Nissini Complex

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Περιγραφή αιτήματος:

Dear All,

I would like to inform you that there is a tree currently blocking the AEC wires at the Nissini Complex, located at complex Nissini out road Nissini 5. AEC previously addressed the issue by trimming the very top of the tree, but it has since grown back and now requires further cutting.

This issue falls under your responsibility, and I kindly ask that it be addressed as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact me at 99478681 or via email pm3@lamerhomes .

Best regards,
Andrianie Yiangou
Property Manager at Lamer


34°59'25.9"N 33°59'00.2"E

Πορεία Αιτήματος



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